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Get a distribution deal!
submission price: $50.00

Get a distribution deal!
Looking For: All Genres Explicit Lyrics Accepted: Yes Instrumentals Accepted: Yes Compensation: Distribution deals We are now actively seeking artist, and record labels who want distribution deals! If you, your artist, or your company is selected, you will be put in direct contact with a top level executive from KLM/Sony, who will guide you through the process of obtaining worldwide distribution for your projects.

Song Critique and Career Coaching from World Music's Tom Frouge
submission price: $45.00

Song Critique and Career Coaching from World Music's Tom Frouge

Tom listens to everything submitted to him through Music Xray and will provide valuable feedback and insights. "Through Music Xray, I'm happy to make myself available to you and am eager to hear your music, provide my honest assessment and perhaps tell you where I think you could go with it both creatively and professionally. Please submit any genre of music for my consideration."

Devon jackson
Professional Song Review by Devon Jackson
submission price: $25.00

Professional Song Review by Devon Jackson

Devon Jackson has written about music and film for a variety of publications-- from Entertainment Weekly and The Village Voice to Rolling Stone and Details. Publicity is the job of getting the print and broadcast media to talk about your music by printing or broadcasting a story, an interview, or a review of your music.

You may submit your music for a professional written review, and possible consideration for a story.